VolunteerThank you for your interest in volunteering with the Beare Garden Plantation Animal Rescue! A strong, reliable volunteer force plays a crucial role in our rescue organization… we hope you will join us in our commitment to caring for abandoned, abused, neglected and homeless cats of all ages and breeds.
Please take a few moments to fill out our volunteer application, and make sure to hit “submit” when you’re done. A volunteer coordinator will contact you to discuss your application and set up your in-house training. One training shift and completion of a volunteer liability waiver is required prior to volunteering. Individual health concerns or issues should be discussed with a physical or health care provider in advance.
Besides the cats and kittens at the BGP Rescue, the volunteers are the most important entity. All the care, love, driving, minor medical treatments, laundry etc. having to do with the animals is done by the volunteers. Truly, the operation would be at a standstill without them. That being said, it is a tough job, which demands some time. Once the time is given, the paybacks are hundredfold. The cats are all wonderful creatures that thrive under the care of the staff and volunteers.
This process is repeated every day, rain or shine, holiday or weekend, regardless of what else is going on in the universe. Many of the cats and kittens that come to the rescue were pulled from municipal shelters prior to being euthanized after their time was up or if they had injuries or special needs. Some were turned in by owners for various reasons such as going to assisted living facilities, while others were strays that were taken in from the cold or heat. After the notification process to local officials, an attempt to locate the owner is completed and the hold time is up, they are vetted and made available for adoption when ready. The goal is for them to remain well cared until a permanent home can be found for them. It is always wonderful if lost pets can be reunited with their families.
The cats and kittens are healthy and happy. Another large part of what the volunteers do is socializing the cats. Kittens are easy to socialize. The more challenging job is working with junior or adult cats who have established nuisance behaviors. It is amazing to watch the animals slowly develop trust (if they didn’t have any), or become truly loving with humans when they had previously not had the inclination.
In the end it is therapy for all parties involved. The cats and kittens become wonderful pets and the volunteers have the opportunity to help creatures with no voice.
Submit the completed forms to [email protected] or contact 252-531-0453.